Workforce Development

Description & Estimated Value

The following describes the approximate value of services and training available through our WIN Job Centers and Community Colleges.

Recruitment and Job Referral / Placement

Workforce partners assist businesses in recruiting potential workers through traditional recruitment activities, job fairs and web-based resume matching.

Applicant / Employee Assessment

Community colleges can assist a business through their performance appraisal processes. An array of assessment tools can be used for a quick, confidential evaluation of an applicant’s work-related and/or academic skills. Work skills aptitude assessments include verbal, numerical, and spatial aptitudes, non-verbal reasoning, form perception, clerical perception, and color discrimination. Assessments may also include performance surveys designed to project employee work ethics, reliability and motivational components.

Pre-Employment Training

Pre-employment training matches candidates with specific jobs. Candidates must successfully complete a specific training curriculum developed by the business and college training professionals. The curriculum may include work ethics, appropriate dress, work expectations, and technical skill requirements. Candidates who do not meet training requirements, such as those who receive low scores on attendance and cooperation, may be identified prior to interviews and hiring.

Customized Training

Customized training is designed to meet a specific business need. It includes curriculum and material development as well as instruction. Funding is available through project agreements with the Community Colleges for Workforce Enhancement Training Fund administered by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges. Appropriate financial documentation is required.

Industry Based Training

A business may be reimbursed for up to $35 per hour of training conducted by the industry for the industry when the college does not provide the training.

Vendor Training

A business may be reimbursed for on-site vendor training costs at one-half of the daily cost, not to exceed $500 per day, with a 10-day limit per training area. Off-site vendor train-the-trainer costs may be reimbursed at a maximum of $500 per person for training registration. Such reimbursement may apply to no more than two (2) individuals to attend the same training area. Travel costs comply with project rules and limits. A business may be reimbursed for up to $20,000 per fiscal year for allowable, approved travel costs.


A business may be reimbursed for limited travel costs associated with training employees in a discipline not currently available through the local community college. Such reimbursement may apply to no more than two (2) individuals to attend the same training in a non-production area and no more than four (4) individuals per production training area. Travel costs comply with project rules and limits. A business may be reimbursed for from $10,000 to $15,000 per fiscal year for allowable, approved costs for domestic and international travel, respectively.

Project Support

The community college will assign a knowledgeable representative to work with the business to assist with matching training needs with available resources. The project manager document visits, training needs and plans, and training activities and will coordinate reimbursements.

WIN On-the-Job Training (OJT) Reimbursement

Mississippi’s Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Job Centers can help offset training costs for new employees through the WIN On-the-Job Training (OJT) activity. Businesses may be reimbursed for up to half of a new employee’s wages while the employee learns the job, on the job.

OJT Participant Criteria

Employees covered by an OJT agreement must be unemployed or underemployed (Employed earning less than a locally established self-sufficient wage, $12 to $18 per hour depending on location) or dislocated workers as determined by the WIN Job Center.

Training Rules

  • Reimbursement depends on the wages paid to new employees and the length of training.
  • The length of training is negotiated based on the skills necessary to perform the job(s) and the new employees’ existing skills.
  • Limited to no more than 50% of the total workforce or new hires.
  • The maximum length of training is limited to no more than six months or approximately 1000 hours.
  • Businesses that relocate and lay off workers at another location may not receive an OJT for 120 days after relocating.
  • Other OJT rules and record keeping requirements can be obtained from the WIN Job Center.
  • Note: To reduce the record keeping burden some areas have flat-rate, fixed-price reimbursement of OJT.